
Skills Strategy - Skills Summit Day

30 November 2012

The Productivity Partnership Skills Workstream held a ‘Skills Summit’ in Wellington on Friday, 30th November 2012.

The Skills Summit, attended by around 90 people, brought together influential members of the building and construction industry, government and the education sector to discuss the skills and education plan of the industry. The input of these members was a valuable and vital part of the ongoing implementation of the Skills Strategy and it’s goal of raising productivity in the Building and Construction Industry. 

Lead by Skills Workstream Leader, Ruma Karaitiana, the day saw presentations given by representatives directly involved and driven to see a positive change in New Zealand’s skills sector, along with the launch of an Implementation Plan for the Skills Strategy.
“The Implementation Plan will step us through actions to lift productivity right up until 2020,” says Ruma.  “Many organizations involved in developing the strategy are already implementing the parts that relate to their business and it was great to have everybody in the same room to focus on a forward plan.”
The main themes that were addressed during the day were:
  • Five new vocational pathways to guide those interested in a career in the construction industry
  • Development of a single New Zealand construction pre-apprenticeship
  • A Sector Workforce Plan to rebuild Christchurch
  • How immigration may contribute to the sector’s future skills and labour mix.


Presentations that were given on the day: